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69avxx 成人视频资源,提供免费观看和下载


1. "Pornography and the Internet: A Review of the Literature" by Dolf Zillmann, James Bryant, and Klaus R. Christmann.

2. "The Effects of Internet Pornography on Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors" by Christian Grov, Tracy A. Lippa, and Staci R. Hollander.

3. "The Association between Internet Pornography Use and Sexual Dysfunctions" by David Ley, W. Scherer, and R. Pfaus.

4. "The Impact of Internet Pornography on Relationships" by Howard Markman, W. Brad Wilcox, and others.

5. "The Regulation of Internet Pornography: A Comparative Analysis" by Jens Ludwig and Sendhil Mullainathan.
